78 matching results found for Fingers.
78 matching results found for Fingers.
Category License Title Info DownloadReport
body-handCC BY 4.0counting to four with hand fingers
body-handCC BY 4.0hand fingers posture from side view
body-handCC BY 4.0hand fingers posture from side view
body-handCC BY 4.0hand fingers posture silhouette
body-handCC BY 4.0hand fingers side view
body-handCC BY 4.0hand posture signal of three extended fingers
body-handCC BY 4.0hand posture silhouette
body-handCC BY 4.0hand side view
body-handCC BY 4.0hand silhouette side view
body-handCC BY 4.0hand silhouette with flexed forefinger
body-handCC BY 4.0hand with two extended fingers
body-handCC BY 4.0like hand gesture
body-handCC BY 4.0little finger and forefinger gesture
body-handCC BY 4.0little finger up of hand silhouette
body-handCC BY 4.0little finger up of hand silhouette
body-handCC BY 4.0middle finger gesture
body-handCC BY 4.0receiving hand posture
body-handCC BY 4.0three fingers count of hand silhouette
body-handCC BY 4.0thumb and little fingers gesture
body-handCC BY 4.0thumb down filled hand silhouette
decorationCC0 Public Domainheart 30
OCALCC0 Public Domain1535671173
OCALCC0 Public Domain1535671605
OCALCC0 Public Domainfingersholdingsmallframe
OCALCC0 Public Domain1545427422

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